Exciting news at HBHM

I have some very exciting news to share with you all.

Today I embark on a new journey starting a bachelor degree to become a qualified naturopath. I know I have a very long journey ahead as I am studying part time at night, but I am very excited to start.

This is something that I actually planned to do when I left school, I have always been interested in natural health but at the time I did not have the courage and I was 18- going out partying with my friends seemed much more important then.

Oh how times have changed, I love how as humans we grow and change with the ebb and flow of life.  Almost 10 years on this now this feels so so right for me, of course I feel nervous but now I feel so determined to do this. I feel that I have so much more to offer you all now than I did back then.

Healthy Belly Happy Mind is about to get much more exciting and I look forward to sharing this journey (and some handy tips) with you all along the way.

Wish me luck.

Amy x


  • Congratulations, Amy! I think it takes a few years to get perspective and to really pinpoint what feels right! Making kids choose at 17 what they want to do as adults just seems kind of crazy and I think it takes a good 10 years to grow into ourselves. What an exciting journey ahead you have x

    July 30, 2014
  • Allison

    Fabulous news Amy.
    Allison Falson

    July 30, 2014

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