Episode Eighty Three: On Loving Yourself Before You Love Another

During this episode, I talk with Nikii Syme about the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to relationships and why it’s so important to love ourselves before we even begin to think about loving someone else. Nikii shares her journey from having trouble with relationships, and ultimately having trouble with the relationship with herself, to now being a face of the revolution of women who are deeply committed to creating loving and intentional relationships in their lives.

Nikii pinpoints almost to the second where she decided to make a change and build her foundation of self-love and trust in herself again. One last painful relationship and she felt it was time to ditch the self-distrust and really go big on her journey to loving herself again. She spent 4 months on her self-care journey back to unconditionally loving and accepting herself for exactly who she is. She knew who she was and she was completely secure in the fact that she’s ‘whole’ by herself, and no other person is needed, they are wanted. Cut to 3 weeks in of dating comfortably and on her own terms, and she had found her person.

We discuss what it means to love someone, and to be loved, we explore the uncomfortable conversations that we need to have to get to the meaningful relationships, and what it looks like to have a healthy kind of attachment with someone; one where you can breathe, be you, and still feel connected to one another.

Nikii talks about the realisation that in her past relationships, she was the common denominator, and how that was the catalyst to her taking accountability for her role in the past.

She shares that this realisation helped her to get out of the ‘victim’ mindset to step into the ‘victor’ mindset.

Nikii also shares tips on being honest with ourselves during this path to self-love, with where we were allowing our power to sit, how to keep going when you’re struggling to continue your self-love journey, and the powers of not settling.

Listen in to this conversation episode now to begin your journey to loving yourself, before you love another.


About Nikii

Nikii Syme is Leading a REVOLUTION of women deeply committed to ecstatically blissful love and relationships.

Nikii has literally lived the whole love cycle.

The single twenty-something aching for a real relationship but lacking the most important one, with herself.

The young lady dating the dreamboat who was right on paper, but wrong in reality.

The girlfriend who wouldn’t dare instigate the break up, so lobbed an exploding grenade in place of a conversation.

The rebounder who dated the really, really bad guy and dangerously lost herself in the process.

The women who, at the insistence of a friend, took a four month eat-pray-love-style sabbatical to reconnect with herself, only to discover that taking this time and investing in herself attracted a love that was faster, better, stronger, and more meaningful than she’d ever even dreamed.

Today, Nikii lives with her dream partner and 3 kids, runs a business helping over-it single women and tired couples utilise philosophies and proven learnings to achieve rapid results in their love lives and partnerships.

She is also deeply passionate about supporting women who are MOTHERS, LOVERS and CVO’s (chief visionary officers) to create HARMONIOUS BLISS in all 3 areas of their lives, so they can make more money, be more present and make more love!


What You’ll Learn

Starting your self-love journey doesn’t have to be an immediate and scary step

The importance of loving yourself, and how this helps in relationships

Not settling, and realising that we can pick who we like too!

How to take it one step at a time when you’re struggling on your self-love path


Listen Now!


Links & Resources

Get connected with Nikii on…


Instagram @nikiisyme

Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/theloverscoven

Connect with Amy via the below links…

Instagram @amyinneshealth

Facebook @amyinneshealth

Uplevel your life community Facebook group 


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