4 Ways to Clean Your Home with Lemon!
One of the big reasons I was drawn to essential oils was the fact that I could pretty much replace all of my chemical-laden cleaning products in our home. Trust me when I tell you that essential oils can clean your home just as well as toxic store bought products. Lemon is one of my favourites for cleaning as it has so many uses!
- Neutralise Odours: Dilute a few drops of Lemon essential oil with water in a spray bottle to help with odours near your bins or other areas.
- Freshen Your Mattresses: Dilute a few drops of Lemon essential oil with water and a tablespoon of vinegar in a spray bottle and apply to your mattresses, allow to dry for a few hours.
- Cleaning Spray: Add water, vinegar and a few drops of Lemon and tea tree essential oils into a spray bottle to create a cleaning spray, perfect for your bathroom and kitchen surfaces.
- Window Cleaner: Add water, vinegar and a few drops of Lemon essential oils into a spray bottle to create a natural, safe and very effective window cleaner.
If you’re interested in learning more about essential oils and would like more information on the best way to get started click here.